Steve Womack tweeted the following:
"Congrats to Governor @SarahHuckabee as she leads Arkansas! She will make the Natural State proud. I look forward to our shared work to ensure the future of our great state remains bright. I also thank @AsaHutchinson for his years of service and the strong foundation he has left."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Steve Womack:
"#AR3 in DC: World-class work and education are happening in the Third District! @UofA_Engr professors in the Capitol talking about the research being done to support the Army and both defense and industrial construction capabilities. I secured funding to support their efforts."Read on Twitter
"Proxy voting has officially ended. It's a system I never utilized. #AR3 entrusted me to represent their voices, and its a solemn duty I take extremely seriously. I have also never missed a vote, and I dont plan on starting now.The People's House is open! #118thCongress"Read on Twitter
"Political violence is abhorrent in all forms. I have joined @RepMikeJohnson and many of my colleagues in denouncing the increasing attacks on pro-life organizations and religious centers caring for women seeking help and support. Life is precious."Read on Twitter